What does it mean to lead yourself and your life well? How can you create healthy habits, relationships, and spiritual disciplines to use the time you’ve been given well? How can you have confidence in who God created you to be and how you fit into His plan on this Earth? All of this takes great intentionality.

We have created an intentional pathway to help you grow in the some key competencies of self leadership. We call it Equip 1.0. Through studying scripture, online video training and twice a month cohort meetings, we will take a deep dive into the following areas:
  • Living with emotional & spiritual health & strength
  • Understanding your strengths in relationships
  • Becoming empowered in your walk with Christ
  • And more…

You must complete “Equip 1.2 – Spirit-led Living and Healthy Relationships” before you begin this section.


Course Information

4 Month Cohort Registration


This payment plan is for a one-time payment of $35 for the first 4mo Cohort.

4 Month Cohort – $10/mo

per month for 4 total payments

This plan allows you to make 4 automatic monthly payments of $10 for the second 4mo Cohort.

Course Information

4 Month Cohort Registration


This payment plan is for a one-time payment of $35 for the first 4mo Cohort.

4 Month Cohort – $10/mo

per month for 4 total payments

This plan allows you to make 4 automatic monthly payments of $10 for the second 4mo Cohort.